Social Media and Guest Reviews
Camp Brosius guests have checked in and/or reviewed Camp Brosius on Yelp, Google, and Facebook. You can find their candid feedback on these sites.
As a guest or guest prospect, you are invited to join our group on Facebook (Camp Brosius Summer Family Camp), a members-only site that allows guests to share information with other guests and for Camp Brosius management to communicate out guest-specific notifications. For more frequent interactions, you can like us on our Facebook business page (Indiana University's Camp Brosius). We also provide regular updates via Twitter (@campbrosius) or Instagram (@iu_campbrosius). It's a great way to gain a better understanding of your #bestvacayever, #Campbrosius!
Our Flickr page includes a compilation of Facebook, Twitter, and guest photos, and provides an awesome representation of what happens at camp, all in one location. And, our guests blog (archived blog) about their vacations.