A Little about Camp Brosius
Camp Brosius has provided outdoor adventures to families and students for nearly 100 years. Located on the shores of Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin, this treasured tradition is waiting for you!
During family camp, you design your own vacation. Pick from eight different week-long options, then contact our reservation staff to inquire about availability and/or make your reservation.
How will your vacation begin?
Your adventure begins on a summer Sunday afternoon of your choice. Upon your arrival, between 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., counselors will direct you to your lodging and help you unload your car. Vacation packets will be in your accommodation and include weekly schedules, required forms, and more. Programming is offered beginning Sunday evening. Until then, you may canoe, sail, dock your personal watercraft (if you bring it along), and take advantage of all that the lake-front property has to offer.
At 5:00 p.m. you will be served your first home-cooked buffet-style meal. Immediately following dinner, staff will present to you an entertaining vacation orientation. Children will meet their counselors and divide into groups based on age. Afterwards, guests sing, interact, learn Elkhart Lake’s history, and bond during the opening campfire.
Why choose family camping as a vacation?
If we haven’t enticed you to try Camp Brosius because of our awesome programming, dynamic and energetic staff, media coverage, or guest blogs, find out what research says about family camping.
In a study conducted by Dr. Barry Garst, researcher of the interaction of positive youth development and nature, and colleagues, more than half of participating families reported that positive parenting was reinforced during their family camp experience. Findings suggested that family camp may be an ideal environment to enhance family relationships, and that the impact of family camps on positive family parenting is particularly promising and suggests that family camp experiences can play a role in family enhancement programs.
Camp Brosius is owned by IU?
Camp Brosius is owned by Indiana University and is managed by the IU School of Health & Human Sciences at IU Indianapolis. Accommodations are available to the public, including (but not limited to) IU alumni and friends. Visit our history page to learn how the university acquired the property.